Deanna Irene Hickman Siefke
Born August 2, 1942
Baptized January 21, 1951
Endowed January 22, 1981
Married Michael John Fish
November 28, 1964 (Divorced)
Married Richard William Siefke
December 20, 1969
Sealed January 22, 1981
Brad, Tyler, and Kami

Deanna Pregnant with Tyler

Rick getting his Captain's Bars

Rick driving a convertible

Brad and Deanna Siefke and Sharon and Darrin Bird

Rick Rank Advancement

Rick and Deanna

Brad Rick Tyler Deanna and Kami Siefke in the Phillipines (Clark Airforce Base)

Dean holding Brad (Deanna's Son) Wedding Officiator and Tracy (Brother) Mike Fish (Brad's first father) to the far right

Deanna and Rick Siefke

Deanna Hickman with Lucky at 1215 Hyde Street San Francisco CA



Deanna with Baby

Deanna holding Brad with Olive and Dean Hickman

Deanna and Uncle Harold

Deanna with Brad

Carla McNelly and Brenda McNelly Ricks nieces

Back Row - Brad, and Tyler Front Row - Rick, Deanna, and Kami Siefke

Dean, Deanna, and Tyler Dec 12 1996

Deanna Siefke, Dean and Doris Hickman, Tracy Hickman and and Joy Matheson

Deanna School Graduation Picture 1960


June Hickman, Uncle-Dean holding Brad, Tracy, and Deanna Hickman

Brad and Deanna Siefke with Olive Elgren and Sharon and Darrin Bird

Deanna and friends

Deanna cutting Joy's Wedding Cake

Camila Van Ausdle Rick and Deanna with Brad Carla and Brenda McNelly at Christmas

Rick, Deanna, Brad, and Tyler with Taco the dog

Deanna and Rick Siefke

Back Row - Joshua, Laurie, Brad, Tyler and Kami Front Row - John, Deanna and Rick Siefke

Deanna and Kami Siefke
Bradly Reed Siefke

Brad Siefke

Brad Siefke

Brad Siefke and Laurie Eickhoff - Dance

John Tyler

John Tyler

Brad Siefke with Award for Modeling

Brad Siefke

Lori and Brad Siefke Wedding Day

John Tyler

John and Joshua Reed Siefke

Brad Siefke

Robbie White, Brad Siefke, and Bruce Kowallis

Brad Laurie and John

Josh, Brad's Son

John and Joshua Reed Siefke

John Tyler
Tyler Scanlon Siefke

Tyler Siefke

Tyler Siefke

Tyler Siefke

Tyler Siefke

Tyler Siefke with his first real bike - Rick and Tyler renovated it only to have it stolen the next day at Cleo Gordon Elementary School

Tyler Siefke

Tyler Siefke
Kamila Joy Siefke Baker

Kamila Joy Siefke

Kamila Joy Siefke

Kami and friend

Amber Witt and Kami Siefke in Hawaii