William Abraham Nixon
Born March 24, 1816
Dublin, Ireland
Married Bridget Degnan
March 2, 1835 Liverpool, England
Married Mary Elizabeth Perine 
October 6, 1856 West Sparta, NY
Died April 30, 1899
St Cloud, MN

William Abraham Nixon History

Last Letter to his children Page 2

Transcription of Last Letter to his children.
My Dear gran son Wiluam I receve your kin leter a Ten Days  a go you Did not se that you receve the postel orter For $350 I inclosed it in the leter I hop this will fine you and your dear Family in good health I have left Rices the a (? Buser)  was so Bad I could not stea thre longer the never spoke a kin word to me all the time I was there.  I am staying here with strangers. I main to stay here as long as I can and if I get sick I wil go to the ospatal and then I sopose wil End my Days I don’t think I have got to be here mutch longer on this Earth I wish Very mutch For that time to com My healt seems to be failing latly Badly I Depend on God For all things as I have no other [to] Depend [on] But you and I are sure he is my friend
Page 2.
and is proteckting me I have so mutch trobel sens my wifs Death not only with my own pepal but others
William I have finished my last will I have willed to you $3000 I have wild to your mother $1000
I have wild to Emma of Price 1000 I have wild to Hanah of St George 1000 I have wild to Mary
Hanah Dautr $50   Wiluam I have Forgoten your Brother Gorg I canot Brake the will open again as it will cause trobel hear after you must make a promise to me in writing that you wil give your Brother Gorg one thousand Dolers and of the three throusand Dolers wen you receve it and write to your mother and make her that promise Don’t negleckt it if you please.
Page 3
Be sure and mak that promise to her in your next leter to me I would advise you wen you get this mony to go in to a small Bisness in your town you wil make your living mutch easier and make money mutch faster I wish I was near you I would post you in comercal Bisonnas. I am a naturel mershant I never took hold of any thing But I made it pay I have comenzt with nothing several times and raised it to a larg stock in a Very Few years I don’t think Will I wil ever Be abel to come out to your plas as my health is failing a litel Every Day I am Very sorry For it as I would like to Die in the Faith of the later Day sants as my son James your Father Did I would feel then I would trust him on the matter -----  I write these words

 [The letter ends at the end of page 3.  There apparently was a page missing. L.Nixon]

William Abraham Photo by GE Anderson in Utah

Bridgett Degnan 1st Wife

Divorce Complaint by William Abraham Nixon against Bridgett Degnan PDF
Click Here

William Abraham and Mary Elizabeth Perine Bible

Family Records Written in The Family Bible
Click Here

William Abraham’s secnd family, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Standing is Probably Frederick, Harry, Mary Louise and Clarence. Seated is Agnes holding her baby and William Abraham Nixon

American House accross from William A Nixon Store in St Cloud MN

Early St Cloud MN around 1853

Early St Cloud MN around 1853

William Abraham and Mary Elizabeth Perine Bible

Matilda Nixon Gregory-
Picture Needed

Early St. Paul Minnesota

William Abraham Nixon Death Certificate

Bridgett Degnan and Billy

William Abraham and  
Bridget's Children

Catherine Nixon Stuart -
Picture Needed

James William Nixon I

Billy Nixon

 -Jennie Nixon Cavender - Youngest daugther of William A Nixon  and Bridgett

 -Jennie Nixon Cavender - Youngest daugther of William A Nixon  and Bridgett

Married to Charles Cavender

Bridget Dignan (Dagnal) Nixon (1st Wife)

Bridgett Degnan 1st Wife

Bridgett Degnan and Billy

Bridgett Degnan Nixon Death Certificate

Mary Elizabeth Perine (2nd Wife)

Mary Perine Nixon 2nd Wife

Mary Perine Nixon 2nd Wife

Mary Perine Nixon 2nd Wife

James William Nixon I

James William Nixon I

James William Nixon I

Catherine Nixon Huff Stuart

Matilda Nixon Gregory

William A Nixon II (Billy)

Billy Nixon

Billy Nixon

Guy (Son of Billy) Nixon and Pearl.

Billy Nixon Store in Farmington Minnesota. Son on a bike,  Employees, Billy in doorway standing, Rilla (Daughter), Unknown two girls to right. He followed in his father's footsteps and had a mercantile store. He was also an editor of the local newspaper. 

Rilla Drake, Billy's Daughter

Pearl (Guy's Wife) and her sister Ruby

Delia Lane Nixon Billy's First Wife

Billy Nixon

Guy Nixon's Photos

Pearl Nixon ?

Jennie Marie Nixon Cavendar

Jennie Marie Nixon Cavendar

Jennie Nixon Cavendar

Ernest Gribble (Grand Son of Jennie)

Ernest Gribble (Grand Son of Jennie)

Jennie Marie Nixon Cavendar

Gladys Telford - Ernest's Wife

Pension Declaration

Jessie Cavendar Gribble (Daughter of Jennie Cavendar)  with daughter Jessica Gribble Kime

Jennie, Ernest Gribble, Charles Cavendar