Ezra John Nixon II
Born March 29, 1931
DelNorte, Colorado
Baptized 1939
Endowed 1950
Married Charlotte
December 18, 1953
Mesa, Arizona

Jack doing his 1st class scout cooking November 1943

Young Jack Nixon

Jack graduates from Cubbing to Scouting April 2 1943

Cub Den No 1 - 1943

Cub Jack Nixon ready to explain the game scents sept 28 1942

Buiklding a TeePee

Jack with his Dad

Buiklding a TeePee

Jack Nixon – Back Yard Batchelor Cooking 3 things in 1 kettle - Lion Elective no 20 - Whitney Barn Loft adjacent to the Nixon Home served as Cub Den

Jack heading to Philmont Scout Ranch July 18 1943

Ezra Nixon on horse

Jack Nixon with his Dad at unknown location

Jack Nixon working at Jacob Lake

Bro Newman and I left Lovell Mass July 14 (Jack on the left)

Jacks Snapdragon Bed for Cub Achievement no 18 Bear Elective October 1942

Jack Nixon Graduation from BYU

Charlotte - Pre Mission - Spanish American Mission

Elder Jack Nixon around engagement or earlymarriage time

Jack and Charlotte Nixon
Jack recalls the story of when he worked at Utah State and hired Bob Hope to put on a show at the college. Signed picture from Bob Hope below.

Bob Hope signed photo to Jack

Ezra John Nixon II (Jack )

Jack and Charlotte Nixon

Jack and Charlotte Nixon

Jack and Charlotte Nixon Family

Jack Nixon with Senator Mitt Romney
Jack Nixon Family Video
Played at his 90th Birthday Reception

Ruth Hickman Coon Funeral - Nixon Cousins - Back Row - Jack Nixon, Francine Stewart, Bill Stewart, Reed Nixon, Joyce Nixon, Loretta Nixon, Richard Nixon, Vard Maxfield, Marion Hansen, Front Row - Charlotte Nixon, Wilford Coon, Erma Bird, Grace Lea Nixon Johansen, Effie Dean Nixon Rich, Elaine Hickman Maxfield, Maline Hansen

Jack - Age 3 1934

Family Outing planned by Jack March 1943 – NW of Ordway

Jack and Freddie 2 Cubs july 1942

Jack graduates from Cubbing to Scouting April 2 1943 B

Cub Den No 2 May 1942 with Denehiel - Right

Jack has finished another plane for Bears Elect no 7

Cub Scouts

Buiklding a TeePee

Jack and Freddie Building a TeePee

Cubs at the Cub den

Cub Scouts Enjoying Watermelon

Jack Nixon – Back Yard Batchelor Cooking Eating

Cub Scouts Meeting

Ordway Cub Scouts at Rocky Ford Swimming Pool l-r Bruce Buell Jackie Nixon Garth R LeRoy W Duane C Geprgie W Charles W and DD just went along

Jackie with a little wild rabbit 1939 Jimmie Dillon gave it to him

Jackie with a little wild rabbit 1939 Jimmie Dillon gave it to him

Jacks Garden - Jack, Dorothy Dean, and Bobby Cash - Jack and Bobby were members of the Kashari Indian Boy Scout Troop LaJaunta CO Jack did the hoop dance and Bobby did the Snake Dance - Photo taken in Ordway CO- 1943

Jack Nixon

Charlotte Nixon in Bridal Gown

Jack Nixon in the Service

JR and Bishop Nixon, Raywahs 1977

Charlotte Nixon - Southeast Asia trip

Jack Nixon with President David O Mckay and his secretary delivering a floral arrangement from Utah State University

Charlotte Nixon

Charlotte Nixon

Jack and his Boys - Daniel, Scott, Trace

Jack and Charlotte

Charlotte Nixon

Jack Nixon with the Grandkids

Young Jack Nixon

Back Row - Uncle DeVirl, Jesco Nixon, Grace, Mildred, Marge Dean, Erma, Ed Rich, Grace Lee, Olive, June (picture), Elaine, Ruth, Dean (picture) , Effie Dean, Harold, Aunt Nina, Aunt Lyle, Mailne (child) St Clair
Middle Row – Marilyn Stewart, Uncle Willy holding Gladys, Aunt Margaret holding Phyllis, Effie Dean holding Suzanne or Karen , James William Nixon II, LaRue, Ezra holding Dorothy Dean
Front Row – Bill Stewart, Jay Nixon IV, Harold Jr. Reed Nixon, DeVirl Nixon, Jack Nixon, Richard NixonJames and Effie 50th Anniversary - Written on Back of Photo - Grandpa Nixon's B'day and Golden Wedding Anniversary - Sept 7th 1938 - Erma's Rec

Jack doing his 1st class scout cooking November 1943 - B

Cub Bruce Buell all ready to demonstrate barrels of fun sept 27 1942

Cub Nixon Den No1 Pack 200 July 1942

Cub Scouts

Cubs at Christmas Time Dec 1943

Buiklding a TeePee

Buiklding a TeePee

Cub Songs – May 1943

Cubs at the Cub den

Jack heading to Dyes Lake 1st Scout Camporee April 1943

Boots – Jacks Dog June 1943

Jack with Boots

Chief the horse and some Nixon Cattle Windmill Lake Colorado Aug 1943

Jacks Garden - Jack-DD-Bobby Cash - Ordway CO August 1943

Jack - Age 14

Jack Nixon Roosevelt Utah

Jack and Charlotte Nixon - Wedding Day

Jack and Charlotte Family

Charlotte Nixon in front of second home

Jack Nixon

Jack and Charlotte Family

Jack Nixon

Scott Nixon

Jack Nixon in his Century 21 Jacket

Jack and Charlotte Nixon Family

Jack and Charlotte

Jack and Charlotte Nixon
Jack's Stories
Jack Nixon Introduction
Jack's First Horse
Jack at Jacobs Lake
The Armidillo Story
The Bob Hope Story 2
The Mr. Spot Story
The President McKay Story
The Ray Taylor Story
The Barn Property Story
Cody Jones Interview
Jack & Charlotte Start a Family
Jack's Daughter Ruelinda Interview
Jack Plays with Grandchildren
Jack - Del Monte Plant Boss
Jack's Miracles From Heaven
Jacob Howell Interview
Sherry Olsen Interview
Jack at His Home
Jack at His Home
Dave Flandro Interview
Jack honored at Cache Valley Chamber Meeting
Jack Sories of Jacob Lake #1
Jack Sories of Jacob Lake #4
Jack Talks About Working at Jacob Lake
Jack Halloween 2021
Jack at the Grand Canyon 2021
Jack's 5th Grade Teacher
Jack Meets Charlotte
Jack's First Two Children
The Armidillo Story 2
The Bear Lake Cabin Story
The Joy Ride Story
The President McKay Story 2
The Seminary Story
The Flu Shot Story
Alex Bearnson Interview
Grandchildren Interview
Jack & Some Short Stories
Jack's Daughter Shanna Interview
Jack Sells Cars at BYU
Jack's Friend - Earl McKenna
Jack's Parents & Grandparents
Kent Dunkley Interview
Jack Goes to Work
Jack Nixon at his Home
Nila Interview
Jack's Properties in Logan
Jack Sories of Jacob Lake #2
Jack Sories of Jacob Lake #5
Jack and His Son Trace Interview
Jack's Family 90th Birthday Wishes
Jack Real Estate, Gardening, Charlottes Family
Jack - Nixon and Nixon Company
Jack's Baptism Story
Jack's Army Days
Jack's Hat
The Bob Hope Story
The Foot Through The Ceiling Story
The Swats and Snakes Story
The Great Depression Story
Jack Nixon's Friend
Jack's House Where The Kids Grew Up
Brinley Interview
Jack, A School Rascal
Jack With Ed Tibbetts Counselor in Bishopric
Jack Nixon's Cars
Jack's Motorcycle Shop
Jack Nixon's Family Cars
Jack's Home
Jack's Rocks & Cars
Kyle Livingston Interview
Stanley McDonald Loan Story
Jack's Valentines Day Deliveries
Jack Receives Citizen of The Year Award
Jack Sories of Jacob Lake #3
Jack Sories of Jacob Lake #6
Jack Talks About Proeperties He's Built
Jack Visits Hyde Park Cemetary
Jack The House that Charlotte Built
Ruelinda and Francis Stone

Ruelinda and Fran Stone

Siblings and Spouses

Taya and Ryan Jones Family

Ruelinda and Family

Ruelinda and Fran Stone Family

Rue and Fran Stone Family

Ruelinda and Family

Ruelinda and Children
Ezra John Nixon III (Tres)

Ezra John Nixon III (Tres)



Tres & Jack Nixon


Tres Riding


Tres Riding


Tres & Knowles Kids


Scott Nixon

Scott Nixon

Scott & Shiree Nixon Family

Scott & Shiree Nixon Family

Scott Nixon

Scott & Shiree Nixon Family

Scott & Shiree Nixon Family

Scott & Shiree Nixon Family
Daniel Nixon

Daniel Nixon

Jack with Great Granddaughter

Jack Dancing at the wedding

Kylie & Dave Whiting Family

Cole Nixon

Charlotte with Great Granddaughter

Kelsey & Robby Egan Family

Kelsey & Robby Egan at daughters wedding

Charlotte and Jack with Great Granddaughter
Shanna Nixon Knowles

Darrin and Shanna Knowles Family

Darrin & Shanna

Knowles Family