Josephine May Nixon
Born June 30, 1876 - BIC
St George, Utah
Baptized November 11, 1894
Endowed June 11, 1895
Married Erastus Goddard Whitehead
June 11, 1895 - St George, Utah
Died June 27, 1962
St George, Utah

Erastus Goddard Whitehead
Born November 12, 1872 - BIC
Washington, Utah
Baptized November 11, 1884
Endowed June 11, 1895
Married Josephine May Nixon
June 11, 1895 - St George, Utah
Died March 3, 1906
Washington, Utah

More family information at the
Whitehead and Jensen Site
Click Here

Josephine May Nixon

Whitehead Family, c 1917 - Back: LeRoy , Erastus Claude , Rolland Nixon. Front: Josephine (mother), Jessco W. Smith, Fern W. Hall,  Earnest Ludwig behind Jessco.