Nanette Maxfield Garrett
Born June 23, 1955 - BIC
Salt lake City, Utah
Baptized 1963
Married Vernon Lee Garrett
September 23, 1976 - Salt lake City, Utah
Vern Garrett
(Born June 11, 1955)

Nanette (approx 4 years old) and Nila (approx 5 years old)

Nanette Easter 1960 (4 Years old)

- Maxfield Family, Easter 1960 - Back Row - Nita, Nelden, Neal, Nadine, Middle Row - Elaine holding Ned Vard holding Natalie, Front Row - Nila, Norm and Nanette

Nanette Junior High 8th Grade

Barbara Allred, Nanette Maxfield, Sandy Dunford, and Janet Knudson - The Fearsome Foursome

Vern and Nanette

Vern and Nanette with Brennon, Morgan and James

Brennon Garrett and Kristina Vasilyeva

Issac, Elizabeth Abby, and Jax Garrett

Rachelle Garrett and Dawson McCully

Garrett Family - Jordan River Temple - 2008 Back row - Angela, Morgan, Andrew, Nanette, Vern, Brennon and Rachelle. Front Row - Emily, James, Bryson, Jacob, and Elizabeth.

Nanette New Born

Nanette at about 8 months

Nanette Birthday Announcment in paper

Neal, Nelden, Nita, Norman, Nadine, Nanette and Nila

Nanette (approx 7th Birthday)

Nanette (approx 10 years old)

Nanette Junior High 9th Grade

Family Night Sayings by Nanette

Nanette and Sandy - Best Friend High School

Vern and Nanette Garrett at Salt Lake Temple
Elizabeth and Emily Reunited After Two Years

Back Row - Morgan, Jake, James, Vern Nanette, Elizabeth, and Emily Front Row - Brennon, Rachelle, Bryson, Andrew, and Angela

Savannah, Max, Kim, Clay, Morgan, Millie, Maggie Garrett

Jessica, Bren, Jake, and Liam Garrett

Emily Garrett

Nanette 18 months

Nanette 1 Year old

Nanette 12 months

Nanette with her doll (approx 2 years old)

Nanette (approx 3 years old)

Maxfield Family

Nanette (approx 12 years old)

Nanette About 9th Grade

Nanette Holding Neal and Judy's Baby - Tucker

Vern and Nanette Wedding

Vern and Nanette Garrett

James, Sophie and Shaylyn Garrett

Angela Picture goes here

Andrew Garrett

Bryson and Christy Garrett
Brennon Joseph Garrett

Brennon JosephGarrett

Brennon and Morgan

Brennon Garrett as Eagle Scout

Nanette, Vern and Brennon Garrett

Brennon and Morgan

Brennon Joseph Garrett

Brennon Nine Months Old

Morgan, Brennon and James
Morgan Maxfield Garrett

Morgan Maxfield Garrett

Morgan Eighteen Months

Morgan Maxfield Garrett

Savannah Garrett

Maggie Jane Garrett

Morgan and Kim Garret Christmas Card

Morgan 1 month old

Morgan and Brennon

Morgan Maxfield Garrett

Savannah Garrett

Maggie Jane Garrett

Morgan Eating

Brennon, James and Morgan

Brennon, Venr, Nanette and Morgan Garrett

Morgan and Kim Garret with Savannah

Morgans First Child, Savannah

Savannah and Maggie

Savannah at 3 Years old
James Vernon Garrett

James Vern Garrett

Brennon, James and Morgan

James Vern Garrett

James Vern Garrett Recording Session

Sophia (Sophie) Eve Garrett

Sophia (Sophie) Eve Garrett


James Vern Garrett

James The Gardiner

James State Fair Talent Award

Sophia (Sophie) Eve Garrett

James Vern Garrett

James Vern Garrett

James and Shaylyn Engagement

James and Shaylyn with Sophie

Sophia (Sophie) Eve Garrett
Jacob Andrew Garrett

Jacob Andrew Garrett

Jacob Andrew Garrett

Jake Adam Dietline and Friends

Jake and Jessica with Pinnock Family (Jessica's Family)

Morgan, Brennon, James and Jake (in front)

Jacob Andrew Garrett

Jake and Jessica Garrett

James, Brennon, Morgan and Jake (in Front)

Jacob Andrew Garrett

Jessica and Jake with firstborn Liam
Angela Judy Garrett Lebaron

Angela Judy Garrett

Angela Judy Garrett

Jordan and Angela LeBaron and Asher, Bridger and Chloe

Angela Judy Garrett

Angela Judy Garrett

Chloe and Asher LeBaron

Angela Judy Garrett

Angela Judy Garrett
Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Vern and Nanette greeting Elizabeth at Orphanage for the first time. March, 2004

Angela with Elizabeth at the Sumy Orphanage

Elizabeth and best friend in Orphanage

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett Baptism

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett with Nanette at Wedding

Elizabeth Svetlana

Elizabeth at the Sumy Orphanage

Elizabeth at the Sumy Orphanage

Elizabeth at the Sumy Orphanage

Elizabeth's Sealing Day at Mount Timpanogos Temple August 2004, Back Row - Vern and Nanette Middle Row - Morgan, Savannah, Brennon, Bryson, Jake and James Front Row - Kim, Angela, Rachelle, Elizabeth, Emily and Shaylyn

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Vern, Elizabeth, Abby, Isaac, and Nanette - Abby Lisa Garrett's Baby Blessing

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Angela and Rachelle perform at Sumy Orphanage

Elizabeth at the Sumy Orphanage

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett Baptism June 23, 2004

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Elizabeth Svetlana Garrett

Emily and Elizabeth (Sisters)
Rachelle Elaine Garrett

Rachelle Elaine Garrett

Rachelle Elaine Garrett

Rachelle with Violin

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle Elaine Garrett


Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle Elaine Garrett High School Graduation

Rachelle Elaine Garrett

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson

Rachelle and Dawson
Emily Yana Garrett

Emily Yana Garrett

Emily Yana Garrett Baptism

Emily Yana Garrett

Emily Yana Garrett

Emily with her Harp

Emily Yana Garrett

Emily Yana Garrett Baptism

Emily with her Harp
Andrew Michael Garrett

Andrew Michael Garrett

Andrew Michael Garrett

Andrew 11 years old during hosting

Andrew Michael Garrett

Andrew Michael Garrett

Andrew Michael Garrett Senior Picture

Andrew Michael Garrett
Bryson Mark Garrett

Bryson Mark Garrett

Bryson Mark Garrett

Bryson with his Cello

Bryson Mark Garrett

Bryson with his Cello

Bryson Mark Garrett