Ruth Luana Hickman
Born July 26, 1924 - BIC
Provo, Utah
Baptized June 7, 1932
Endowed October 17, 1945
Married Wilford A Coon
October 17, 1945 - Salt lake City, Utah
Died October 23, 2006
West Valley City, Utah

Ruth and Wilford

Back Row - Uncle DeVirl, Jesco Nixon, Grace, Mildred, Marge Dean, Erma, Ed Rich, Grace Lee, Olive, June (picture), Elaine, Ruth, Dean (picture) , Effie Dean, Harold, Aunt Nina, Aunt Lyle, Mailne (child) St Clair
Middle Row – Marilyn Stewart, Uncle Willy holding Gladys, Aunt Margaret holding Phyllis, Effie Dean holding Suzanne or Karen , James William Nixon II, LaRue, Ezra holding Dorothy Dean
Front Row – Bill Stewart, Jay Nixon IV, Harold Jr. Reed Nixon, DeVirl Nixon, Jack Nixon, Richard NixonJames and Effie 50th Anniversary - Written on Back of Photo - Grandpa Nixon's B'day and Golden Wedding Anniversary - Sept 7th 1938 - Erma's Rec

Ruth Luana Hickman Coon


Wilford and Ruth

50th Wedding Anniversary

Wilford and Ruth 50th Wedding Anniversary

50th Wedding Anniversary

Wilford and Ruth

Ruth Erma Elaine and Florence-1995

Dennis, Kristine, JL, Ruth and Wilford Coon

Ruth Hickman Obituary
Ruth Hickman Interview and Funeral Video

Effie Nina Nixon Bowman, Harold Israel Bowman Sr., Harold Israel Bowman Jr. Olive Ida Nixon, Frank Leslie Hickman, Devirl B. Stewart, Devirl Stewart Jr., Grace Dean Nixon, St Clair Nixon, Lysle Glazier, Dean Hickman, Middle Row - Margaret Lea, James William Nixon III, Effie Dean Woolley, James William Nixon II, LaRue Olson, Ezra John Nixon, June Rene Hickman, Front Row - Grace Lea Nixon, Phyllis Nixon, James William Nixon IV, Marjorie Dean Nixon, Effie Dean Bowman, Nina Elaine Hickman, Olive Erma Hickman

Ruth Hickman in the paper 1936

Back Row ?, Grace Dean Nixon, James William Nixon II, Effie Dean Wooley Nixon, St Clair Nixon, Olive Ida Nixon, Frank Leslie Hickman Middle Row - Ezra Nixon, Harold Israel Bowman Sr. Effie Nina Nixon, Effie Dean Bowman (Baby) Margaret Lea, Marjorie Dean Nixon (Baby), James William Nixon III, Jesco Nixon Front Row - June Hickman, Elaine Hickman, Grace Lea Nixon, Erma Hickman, Dean Hickman

Ruth Luana Hickman

Wedding Announcement

Wilford in the Service

Wilford in the Service

Ruth, June Bea and Olive


Olive Ida and Lorenzo Elggren Family - Back Row - Leslie Dean Jr (Lucky), Dean Hickman, Gilbert Bird, Doris Hickman, Ralph Bird, Maureen Bird, Erma Bird, Wilford Coon, Ruth Coon, Vard Maxfield, Elaine Maxfield, June Hickman, Bea Hickman, Neldon Maxfield Couch - Deanna Hickman, Olive Ellgren, Lorenzo Ellgren, Gloria Bird Front Row Floor - Chris Bird, ?, Joy Dean Hickman, Nadine Maxfield, Dennis Coon, Nita Maxfield, Neal Maxfield

Ruth and Wilford - JL, Kristine and Dennis

Ruth Hickmn Coon

Ruth and Wilford - 50th Anniversary - Grand kids Jenny and Rachel

Ruth Luana Hickman Coon

Ruth Hickman Prenupitial Party

Ruth Hickman Wedding Rites Article

Ruth Luana Hickman Coon

Back - June and Dean Front - Ruth, Olive Elaine, and Erma

Ruth and Wilford and 3 Children - Dennis, Kristine, and JL

Lorenzo and Olive, JL, Kristine, Ruth and Wilford


Wilford and Ruth Coon

Ruth Hickman Coon Funeral - Nixon Cousins - Back Row - Jack Nixon, Francine Stewart, Bill Stewart, Reed Nixon, Joyce Nixon, Loretta Nixon, Richard Nixon, Vard Maxfield, Marion Hansen, Front Row - Charlotte Nixon, Wilford Coon, Erma Bird, Grace Lea Nixon Johansen, Effie Dean Nixon Rich, Elaine Hickman Maxfield, Maline Hansen

Ruth Hickman Coon Funeral - Nixon Cousins - Back Row - Jack Nixon, Francine Stewart, Bill Stewart, Reed Nixon, Joyce Nixon, Loretta Nixon, Richard Nixon, Vard Maxfield, Marion Hansen, Front Row - Charlotte Nixon, Wilford Coon, Erma Bird, Grace Lea Nixon Johansen, Effie Dean Nixon Rich, Elaine Hickman Maxfield, Maline Hansen

Dean, Ruth, and June - Elaine, Erma, and Grace

Vard, Wilford, Ruth, and Elaine
Dennis Coon

Dennis and Son

Memorie Dudley Family

Shellie and Family

Cameron coon and Family

Leola and Dennis Coon

Dennis and Leola Family

Dennis and Family

Adriana and Nick

Adriana and Nick Family

Dennis and Family

Grandpa Dennis and Family

Tawnie Hernandez Family

Tyler Coon Family
Kristine Coon Pike

Tom, Kami and Kristine

Kristine and Family

Kristine and Tom Pike

Kristine and Family

Kristine, Camille, and Tom at her Graduation
JL Coon

JL and Shar Coon


Jenny and Family


JL, Shar, Jenny, Rachel and Andrew

Andrew Coon and Nephews


JL and Shar Coon Family

Rachel and Family