Stanley Reed Nixon
Born May 30, 1926
Los Angeles
Baptized June 2, 1934
Endowed March 27, 1947
Married March 27,1947
Joyce Laura Johnson

Ruth Hickman Coon Funeral - Nixon Cousins - Back Row - Jack Nixon, Francine Stewart, Bill Stewart, Reed Nixon, Joyce Nixon, Loretta Nixon, Richard Nixon, Vard Maxfield, Marion Hansen, Front Row - Charlotte Nixon, Wilford Coon, Erma Bird, Grace Lea Nixon Johansen, Effie Dean Nixon Rich, Elaine Hickman Maxfield, Maline Hansen

Back Row - Uncle DeVirl, Jesco Nixon, Grace, Mildred, Marge Dean, Erma, Ed Rich, Grace Lee, Olive, June (picture), Elaine, Ruth, Dean (picture) , Effie Dean, Harold, Aunt Nina, Aunt Lyle, Mailne (child) St Clair
Middle Row – Marilyn Stewart, Uncle Willy holding Gladys, Aunt Margaret holding Phyllis, Effie Dean holding Suzanne or Karen , James William Nixon II, LaRue, Ezra holding Dorothy Dean
Front Row – Bill Stewart, Jay Nixon IV, Harold Jr. Reed Nixon, DeVirl Nixon, Jack Nixon, Richard Nixon James and Effie 50th Anniversary - Written on Back of Photo - Grandpa Nixon's B'day and Golden Wedding Anniversary - Sept 7th 1938 - Erma's Rec

Stanley and Joyce Nixon Wedding Announcement

Joyce Johnson and Reed Nixon
Read a full biography along with full family history HERE

Reed and Joyce Nixon

1 Evan 2 Julie 3 Clair 4 John 5 Elisabeth 6 Will 7 Natalie 8 Kent 9 Raelene 10 Mark 11 Renae 12 Mark Ellis 13 Kathryn 14 Mark 15 Jay 16 Nicole 17 David 18 Catherine 19 Michelle 20 Michael 21 Grant 22 Cheryl 23 Danielle 24 Ashley 25 Laura 26 Timothy 27 Reed 28 Joyce 29 Rachel 30 Emily 31 Sheryl 32 Tamera 33 Alison 34 Ann 35 James 36 Brian 37 Reed 38 Rob and Katherine 39 Carl (Renae’s Wedding 1995) See St Clair History for additional records of Reeds Descendants